Wisdom Teeth

Dentist Greystanes

Most of our adult teeth come through by our early teens. But our wisdom teeth don’t usually emerge until we are in our late teens or early twenties. These wisdom teeth are the molars at the very back of the mouth.

Unfortunately wisdom teeth are notorious for causing problems. Often there is not enough room left in the mouth for these last teeth to emerge properly. So these back molars may come through at an odd angle, or start to push other teeth out of alignment, perhaps stay partly emerged in the gum, or stay buried inside the jaw.

Dental Greystanes

It seems odd that our body would produce teeth that so often cause problems, and have jaws that are not large enough to accommodate all the teeth. There are a few theories on why this odd situation occurs. One possibility is that our jaw is meant to be slightly larger; a 5 mm increase would be enough to prevent most wisdom tooth problems. But our jaws and slightly undersized because we do not chew enough tough food as infants. The act of chewing on tougher food may encourage are jaws to grow slightly larger.

But wisdom teeth problems occur, and by the time they do occur we need to take drastic measures. Often one or more wisdom teeth need to extracted.

Do you suffer?:

  • Back molars that are partly overgrown by gum tissue. This is very difficult to keep clean.
  • Constant or reoccurring pain in the back of the jaw.
  • Swelling in the back of the mouth or on the cheek
  • Back teeth that start to move out of alignment.
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Difficulty opening the mouth
  • Unexplained bad breath
  • Back molars that are partly covered by gum tissue.
  • Then you may need one or more wisdom teeth removed.

Dentist Greystanes

Wisdom teeth extraction is awkward, and patients do need some time to recover. But this extraction will be a relief after the ongoing pain and inconvenience that wisdom teeth cause.

Visit the dentist if you suspect that you have problems with your wisdom teeth.


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